“Excellent… good clear instructions on how to do self-examination and the pad was very well designed and easy to use.”
Mrs V.S Mrs V.S, UK, Nov 2022, Aware Breast Self Exam
“I take my breast examination seriously after having being diagnosed, and now 6 years clear of breast cancer. This pad helps me give a thorough self-examination and gives me confidence that I have a better chance to detect anything unusual quicker than doing it without one. The instructions I found very easy to understand and I shall never do an examination without one. I cannot recommend highly enough.”
Mrs J.R. Mrs J.R., UK, Oct 2022, Aware Breast Self Exam
“It’s been 20 years since my breast cancer diagnosis. When my chemo, radiation and medication therapies ended, everyone declared that I should be “happy.” Was I happy? Yes. Was I scared? Yes. Why was I scared? My twice-yearly breast exams and blood tests ended and were replaced by annual exams, and I was no longer dependent on medication. For years I have relied on my self-exams at home to supplement my yearly mammograms and doctor visits, but wasn’t sure exactly what I was feeling! Then along came Aware®. Was I skeptical about it at first? Yes. Did I try it? Yes. Am I thrilled? Yes! Why? With Aware I can more easily feel and detect anything in my breasts that may seem unusual to me, which I believe is so important, especially considering “my own (no longer ‘new’) normal.” Aware has given me more confidence in my at-home exams, helped me be more easily “aware” of and detect my scar tissue, identify the “normal lumpiness” of my breasts, and build confidence in my self-exams. Do I feel better having Aware at my fingertips? Yes, emphatically yes!”
Cheryl S. Cheryl S., New York, NY, 20-Year Breast Cancer Survivor
“My monthly breast self exam paid off while using this simple device. I found a pre-cancerous lump 3 months after my mammogram. I am a living proof that breast self exam is important. I have bought pads for my future daughter-in-law and other colleagues to encourage them to do breast self exams themselves. “
Kathie M. Kathie M., New York, NY, Monthly Aware User
“We will teach our daughters about the importance of taking care of their teeth, their eyes and their figure. Why don’t we teach our daughters about breast health?”.
Jane Doe Jane Doe, Clarksville, TN, Breast Cancer Survivor
“Just had to write to let you know how pleased I am with the Aware Breast self-exam pad. The packaging is slim and can be stored discreetly. The Instructions and diagrams are easy to follow and cover all I needed to know and the pad is very comfortable to use.”
Mrs. S.P. Mrs. S.P., Penarth, Nov 2022, Aware Breast Self Exam